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Images, audio clips and videos about the volunteering involvement at the Corporation du Moulin Légaré.
Bust shot of Léon Tremblay with short hair and rectangular glasses, wearing a red polo shirt.
Bust shot of Jacques Lecours with a white beard and round glasses, wearing a black jacket.
Bust shot of Jacques Lecours with a white beard and round glasses, wearing a black jacket.
Close-up of Roger Pomerleau with white hair, wearing a plaid shirt, standing in front of a window.
Medium close-up of Pierre Charron with short brown curly hair, wearing a navy jacket and striped shirt, sitting outside in front of some flowers.
Pierre-Paul Renaud, sporting a white beard, a beige three-cornered hat and a white shirt, sits outside the mill behind a flour sale table.
Close-up of Patrice Paquette with grey hair and glasses, wearing a green apron, and smiling at the camera.
Bust shot of Guy Bélisle with short grey hair, wearing a black jacket and a tie.
Ernest Labelle, wearing a three-cornered hat, and Marthe Beausoleil, wearing a bonnet, seated in a buggy.
Wide shot of Martin Trudel sitting on the left, looking at Daniel Saint-Pierre standing on the right side of the photo, dressing the lower millstone.
Wide shot of the frame of the building under construction.
Wide shot of a darkened, weathered building next to a river.
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