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Images, audio clips and videos about the volunteering involvement at the Corporation du Moulin Légaré.
Four volunteers stand behind a table holding flour bags in this photo taken at a shopping mall decorated for Christmas.
Photo of board members that accompanied the newspaper article.
Sheet with the Government of Québec letterhead and a gold seal in the bottom left corner.
Close-up of Luc Raby wearing sunglasses, a khaki cap and a red apron.
Close-up of Patrice Paquette with grey hair and glasses, wearing a green apron, and smiling at the camera.
Wide shot of six people wearing red aprons standing in front of a tent where galettes de sarrasin (buckwheat crêpes) are sold.
White building with a sloping roof. A wooden bridge spans the river dike in the foreground.
Pierre-Paul Renaud, sporting a white beard, a beige three-cornered hat and a white shirt, sits outside the mill behind a flour sale table.
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