Sign of Rules and Regulations

Location: Mount Hermon Cemetery
Date: c. 1999
Source: Archives of The Treggett Family
In 1999, Mrs. Hilda Stephens, a cemetery director and her sister Marietta Freeland, contracted Brian Treggett to restore the old sign. The sign was rebuilt with a pine frame and installed behind a plexiglass window to protect the lettering.
Here are the rules and regulations:
The gates will be closed at sunset.
No vehicle admitted without a ticket.
No vehicle is to be driven in the Cemetery at a pace faster than a walk
No person admitted on horseback
No horse to be left on the grounds unfastened, posts provided
No horse to be taken off the avenues or paths
No refreshments or parties carrying snacks admitted within the grounds
Walking sticks and flowers must be left at the Lodge on entering
No large assemblies of visitors are accepted except in the case of funerals.
No children admitted except accompanied by a guardian.
No smoking is permitted, and no dogs allowed on the grounds.
No carriages are admitted on Sunday.
No person is permitted to pull flowers, or break any trees, or plants, or to write upon or deface any monument, railing, or other erection.
No persons except Stock and Lot holders and relatives of those interred in the grounds, will be admitted on Sundays and not during Divine Service.
The Superintendent may require the names of all persons visiting the grounds.
Visitors are requested to enter their names in the register at the Lodge.
No money to be given as a reward for services or attention to any person in the employ of the Cemetery
The Superintendent and all persons acting under him have full authority and are required to carry all regulations into effect.
Trespassers are liable to fine and imprisonment.