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A collection of photos, illustrations, archival documents, and video and audio testimonies that tell the story of Sutton, a community shaped in large measure by its proximity to the border with Vermont.
A pile of flat stones in the undergrowth.
A pile of flat stones in a field
Drawing showing that the door to freedom remains closed for the Chinese, while communists, nihilists, socialists, fenians and thugs are all welcomed.
The map identifies each group’s escape route. The westernmost, under Sergeant Collins, crosses the border at St-Armand; the second, identified as Young and McGrorty's, crosses at Freligsburgh; the third, led by Teavis, enters at Abbot's Corner, skirts Mount Pinnacle, reaches Abercorn and then heads north up the Sutton River Valley.
Left photo: In front of the First National Bank, two robbers, pistol in hand, threaten a man in their path; Right photo: Three of the robbers escape on horseback.
Anti-Vietnam war protesters. Their signs read: End the War in Vietnam, End Canadian Complicity, American War Objectors in Canada.
The banner shows the American eagle carrying off the British lion.
The cartoon on the left shows a soldier using his bayonet to push along a conscript; the one on the right shows a conscript taking refuge in a church.
At left is Royal Willey’s gravestone. On the right, a portrait of James Willey.
This map shows the route the Underground Railroad takes through Vermont. At Monpellier it splits into two branches; the western branch reaches Canada near Frelighsburg. The eastern branch crosses the border south of Sutton and Potton Townships.
On the left, an announcement of a public auction for the sale of 440 slaves; in the center, an offer to purchase slaves at a price ranging from $1,200 to $1,250 each; and on the right, a wanted notice offering a $400 bounty for the capture, dead or alive, of a slave named George.
A family of slaves is photographed in front of the ramshackle hut where they live
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