Pat and Margaret talk about maturity

Audio Credits: From the collection of The Miss Margaret Robins Archives of Women’s College Hospital.
Pat, Class of 1958: So you see how influential the philosophy of the hospital and then subsequently, the philosophy of the school, had on me, a seventeen year old kid.
Margaret, Class of 1958: Mhm, mhm.
Pat: It had a huge-
Margaret: Oh yes.
Pat: -influence on-
Margaret: Yup.
Pat: -my, um, development. My-
Margaret: Mhm.
Pat: -emotional and psychological development.
Margaret: Oh yes, because I can remember getting together with girls I went to high school with. There was a Chinese buffet, down, a cheapie place. I can’t remember what it was called. But, uh, we would have these little reunions every once in a while till we all kinda, kinda got fed up with that high school stuff. But they were all- Some of them were still in, in, doing some grade thirteen and- Anyway, my old girlfriends and I would get together and after a while, I, I just thought “I can’t even related to them.”
Pat: Yes.
Margaret: They’re kinda silly. Like, they weren’t maturing, they-
Pat: Yes, yes.
Margaret: -weren’t having to take on what we took on. Even the one, one was in university. Just, they just weren’t doing the same, they weren’t in my life at all after that.