Lions Club Meeting Gavel

Lions Club Gavel
Sam Waller Museum
This gavel was owned by the Northern Lites Lions Club until they ceased operations in early 2015. Gavels are used in Lions Club meetings along with a gong, used throughout the meeting to demarcate discussions. They are to be placed at the head table. If clubs wish to “pilfer”, or nab something from a neighbouring club to encourage return visits, it is encouraged that they only take the chosen club’s gavel or gong.
It has a handle attached to a mallet style head, both made of wood and lightly stained with a varnish layer. Both parts are carved with simple lathe style designs. The middle of the mallet head is wrapped with a sheet of metal and the ends are fixed where the handle attaches to the mallet head. The metal sheet has the Lions emblem and the text: “Northern Lites/Lions Club” and “The Pas/Manitoba”.