Sept 10th Letter

Letter courtesy of the Roy Brown Society.
A photocopy of a handwritten letter that Roy wrote to his mother expressing his displeasure that she would want to publish his letters in the newspaper. This letter offers a glimpse into Roy’s unwavering commitment to the war even after being there for over a year. He is thoroughly disgusted with other people’s attempts to make themselves more heroic and place themselves above others who are also serving.
No 9 Squadron
Sept 10/17
My dear Mother –
Just received yours and dad’s letter of Aug 12 with that newspaper clipping of Sussan’s enclosed.
You said something about wanting to publish some of my letters. I wrote once about that kind of thing when there was something in the Citizen and I feel more strongly against it now than I ever did. I know you will not do it though when I feel the way I do about. If you have noticed it is the chaps who do nothing that put those in. They are all talk. Sussan’s letter was simply one pack of lies from beginning to end. There are somemore [sic] I could mention too who write similarly. It all sounds very fine over there when nobody can tell the truth about them but over here we know very soon what kind of stuff a man is made of. Lots of chaps hoodwink there COs and even get decorations out of it. But I don’t want anything at all if I have to do that to get it. When I write a letter home they are for the family only. I do not care a rap whether people think I am doing anything or not. I did not come over here for that. I came over because I felt I should come and I am doing my best and can do no more. I have been some help in this war and if anything happens to me now I have done some work anyway. If I am satisfied within myself that I have done as good as I can that is all I care about. I am stroking out what is not true in Sussan’s letter and sending it back. He just came out to France for the first time about a week and a half ago and is going back again he told me.
Am going on patrol in an hour so have to get lunch.
All my love