Columbia News Letter, Issue no. 4, December 1, 1964

Columbia News Letter, Issue no. 4, December 1, 1964. B.C. Hydro and Power Authority.
Between August 28, 1964, and June 2, 1969, BC Hydro published 30 Columbia News Letters distributed to people living in the areas to be affected by the construction of the Hugh Keenleyside Dam.
A message in the first newsletter by Hugh Keenleyside stated, “We realize that the owners of property to be affected by the Columbia projects are deeply concerned. For some, the Columbia projects will disrupt a way of life that goes back through several generations. We cannot avoid this impact on your lives but we are doing and will do everything we can to help the transition take place as smoothly as possible.”
The newsletters were meant to inform residents of the valley about the changes as they occurred, and the tone was positive.