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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Forman Hawboldt - Entrepreneur and Inventor. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Une photo en couleur montrant, vers 1937, le premier camion de pompiers rouge avec les pompiers se tenant devant lui. Le camion a une échelle sur le toit et une pompe à eau sur le pare-choc avant.
A black and white photograph showing the framework of a water tower being constructed with piles of lumber in the foreground and the embankment of the Halifax and Southwestern Railway bed in the background. This tower was to supply water for the village water supply and the trains.
A black and white photo of the schooner, “Airlie” under full sail in the harbour. The “Airlie” is black with a white cabin, white sails and an identifying number 2 on the main sail of the 5 she is flying in the picture. Schooners like this one were used for fishing and were quickly adapted to accept the new make and break engines. Today they are used mainly as pleasure craft.
A hand written second page scanned from the deed conveying the land for the foundry and house lot to Forman Hawboldt his heirs and assigns.
A hand written first page scanned from the deed conveying the land for the foundry and house lot to Forman Hawboldt his heirs and assigns. This describes in detail the lots for both the house lot and the foundry lands.
A Hawboldt make and break engine with a fly wheel and one cylinder developed in 1906 by Forman Hawboldt. This engine was developed in the first workshop behind his house on Queen Street in Chester in 1906.
Une photo de journal en noir et blanc montrant l’ouverture officielle de La Collection de Forman Hawboldt. L’homme de gauche est Allen Bremner, au centre un représentant de la municipalité dévoile la plaque
Un bâtiment avec un toit beige, long et plat en métal avec une porte d’entrée au centre. Ce bâtiment à un étage abrite actuellement Hawboldt Industries. Il se trouve sur la Route 14 à la sortie du village de Chester.
The colour photo show three scenes from the interior of Hawboldt Industries today. The top picture shows the main work area and the equipment they use, the second picture pictures a worker welding a piece of metal at a work station and the final photo shows a worker standing at a desk, in front of a bank of dials working on a project design.
A white advertisement from Hawboldt Industries Limited listing other goods available such as gurdy haulers, winches, pumps and swordfish haulers. Beyond that they offered to design specialized equipment to meet the customer’s need that was not available at that time.
A group of four metal buildings that replaced the old foundry bulding foundry during the 1960s . Surrounding these buildings are four rounded roofed buildings that served as storage and as the foundry and welding areas for the company.
A group of black and white photos showing a fishing fleet tied up at the wharf, a large round winch well over 15 feet high, a make and break engine and two smaller winches with platforms that would bolt them to the deck of the vessel. These are often referred to as gurdy haulers.
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