Credits and Acknowledgements

The Agassiz-Harrison Museum and Visitor Information Centre housed in the old CPR train station, 2018.
The Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents and staff of the District of Kent and the Village of Harrison Hot Springs for their continued support of our mission: Where history preserves community.
The 2018 Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society Board of Directors included: Gina Reimer, Joan Vogstad, Allan Bell, Heather Doerksen, Beverly Kennedy, Barbara Key, Sam Nelson, Kay Olson, Doug Platt, Valerie Richards, and Joanne Veltkamp.
Special thanks to our project informants: Andrew Bodnar Sr. (Bandrova Farms Ltd.), Victoria Brookes (Agassiz Agricultural and Horticultural Association), District of Kent Agricultural and Advisory Committee, Albert “Bert” Duncan (Bonnie Doone Dairy Farm), Geraldine Hertgers (Cordine Farms), Ian “Bunk” Mackay, Barrie and Ruby Peterson (Peterson Farms), Jim Thompson (UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre), Mike Yusko (BC Dairy Historical Society).
Research: Lindsay Foreman, Shannon Bettles-Reimer, Beverly Kennedy, and Valerie Richards.
Authors: Lindsay Foreman and Shannon Bettles-Reimer.
Photographs: Shannon Bettles-Reimer, Bert Duncan, Claudia Fisher, Lindsay Foreman, Dennis Hill, Kimberly House, Bob Loat, Valerie Richards, Marlene Sand, Mal and Linda Shepherd, Tourism Harrison Hot Springs and Graham Osborne.
Translator: Natalie Melanson-Martin.
Editorial Team: Beverly Kennedy, Barbara Key, Joan Vogstad, and Lindsay Foreman.