McCord and District Museum
McCord, Saskatchewan

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Pioneers Use, Reduce, Re-cycle, and Reuse in McCord and southern Saskatchewan

The skirt of this woman's suit was used to sew pants for  her  small son.
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A homemade cotton dress enhanced by embroidery and ruffles.
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A churn was used and reused
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Books and papers were shared by pioneers.
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Paper flowers were made  for festive occasions and tto brighten winter days.
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A box social lunch container.
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Childs homemade folding book
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Pillow stuffed with old newspapers.
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Tissue used to wrap fruit and  old newspapers used as toilet paper.
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Old newspapers were used to insulate homes- under shingles or on inside walls
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Pioneer families use and reuse catalogues
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Pioneers used paper to make beads.
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Pioneers used their talents to build schools , churches , and communities.
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Pioneer women use their talents to put on a play at Milly school.
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A school picnic at Varsity school.
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Men and boys sack race at a picnic
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Egg race for children at  Varsity Ladies Aid Picnic
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Varsity Ladies Aid Quilting
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