Patent for Engine Timer, 1919

Chester Municipal Heritage Society
A copy of a patent issued for the engine timer on the engine in 1919.
Hawboldt Gas Engines Limited
Manufacturers of the famous “Canadian Standard marine motor.
Propellers, stuffing boxes and motor boat fittings
In consideration of one dollar to me paid by the Hawboldt Gas Engines Limited, of Chester, Nova Scotia, I do herby sell and assign to the said Hawboldt Gas Engines Limited, all my right title and interest in and to my invention for new and useful Improvements to Timer for Gasline Engines, as fully set forth and described in the specification which I have signed preparatory to obtaining Patent in Canada; and I do herby authorize and request this Commissioner of patents, to issue the said patent to the said Hawboldt Gas Engines Limited, in accordance with this assignment.
Witness my hand and seal this twelfth day of August 1919, at Chester, Nova Scotia.
F. C. Hawboldt
Witness – W. H. Frottinhine and M. I. Oxner