Text from Postcard: Presbyterian Church, Copper Cliff
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcard: Presbyterian Church, Copper Cliff

We had our Football consert[sic]

last night, that is the first

consert[sic] for the season. We

have about sixty members

so far. This is a regular

sporty town just like home.

This is a very queer dream

of yours, but I don't think

Father + Hilda will come

to Canada without you.

There's lots of room for

everybody who wants to go

to Canada. I am sorry

to hear Aunt Julia has

been ill + I hope she is

well again now. I will

get my photo taken pretty

soon now. I have two new

suits of clothes, one for best

+ one for knocking about in.

Clothes are very dear here

Fancy paying 5 or 6 £ for

a suit of clothes. Love to all



Postcard: Copper Cliff (Industrial Image)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Industrial Image)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Industrial Image)

…the most of my time. This

is the Reverberatory[sic] plant,

which is separate from the

Smelter + I have nothing to

do with that. I think I miss

a lot of letters somewhere, the

only Photo I received yet

is Hilda's. I am in splendid

health, never felt so well in

all my life + you may depend

my health comes first in anything.

I see in the Guardian where

E. S. S. Davies injured his wrist

trying to start his motor. Some

swank, eh? Spraining a wrist

trying to start a 50$ Auto.

St Blazey is certainly

getting some classy residents.

I must let Father know that

my stock has been going up

all along the line + my Interests

seem more like a speculation

than an investment. Give my

kind regards to Aunt Julia +

all. Len


Postcard: Copper Cliff (Residential Image 2)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Residential Image 2)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Residential Image 2)

Post Office

Copper Cliff

Dear Father + Sisters,

I received Postcards

from Phillis a few days ago

+ I certainly recognize both places

allright[sic]. Phillis needn't worry

about the Foundry not being

shown, I have a pretty fair

picture of the Foundry in

my mind, so I don't need it on

P. Cds. Soon swank Aunt Mary

+ Uncle going to London to see

Chrissie. I guess they will

have a good look around

London. We are having

beautiful weather here still.

I took a trip to Sudbury

yesterday that's the nearest

town from here + it's quite a

little place, believe me.

Things are rather quiet

around here now as regards

construction work.


Postcard: Yard Engine, Copper Cliff
22 September 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Yard Engine, Copper Cliff
22 September 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Postcard: Gorge of Sable River, Massey, Ont
22 September 1912
Massey, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Gorge of Sable River, Massey, Ont
22 September 1913
Massey, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcards: Yard Engine, Copper Cliff & Gorge of Sable River, Massey, Ont

Copper Cliff

Sept 22nd

Dear Father + Sisters,

I hope you are all

getting along allright[sic]. I

got Hilda's letter which

she wrote at London also

the one she wrote after she came

back and I am glad she had

a good time. I guess Chrissie

is living in a nice locality

+ I suppose Hilda found

London a pretty big place.

We are having lots of

electrical storms now, had

a pretty bad one Saturday

night though on the whole

we haven't been too bad

this Summer. This is a

photo of one of our yard engines.

We have work around our

plant for over a dozen engines

like this. They are pretty

powerful engines too. I

hope that Clayworkers strike…

…is settled by this time.

Somebody will suffer if they

don't settle soon. They certainly

must have a strong Union

allright[sic]. They must have

been war allright [sic] for

the Magistrates to think of

reading the Riot Act. I see

by the papers they are having

a big time in Dublin too.

Tommy is not gone home

yet but I expect he will

go Xmas. We had the wind

up concert and the present-

-ation of the Football Cup

Saturday night + I can

tell you we had a swell

time. I am very sorry

to hear that Uncle J H is

not well yet. I do hope

it is nothing really serious.

Aunt Mary I am sure is in

an awful way. Give my

kind regards to Aunt Julia

+ all.
