Thunder Bay Military Museum
Thunder Bay, Ontario

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LSSR-105 Years of Service-June 2005
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A Naval Engagement

October found the 4th Canadian Armoured Division in Holland with the task of clearing the enemy out of the area south of the Maas River. The fighting brought the LSR(M) into the Dutch village St. Phillipsland on 4 November. Here they learned from civilians that there were several German naval vessels in the harbour of Zijpe on the island of Schouwen en Duiveland, just across the straight. The next day the LSR 6 pounder antitank guns, mortars and tanks of the 28th Canadian Armoured Regiment opened fire at the unaware crews as the milled about the town. Owing to high winds the results of the "naval engagement" were not examined up close until the following day. Three vessels had been sunk, a fourth badly damaged and twenty enemy killed. Souvenirs were gathered and Captain R. Styffe taking the log of one of the vessels made the final entry: "Gesunken by Lake Superior Regiment and British Columbia Regiment - Canadian Army."
David Ratz


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