Torbay Museum
Torbay, Newfoundland and Labrador

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Scrapbook History: Volunteer Women's Groups of Torbay

Visit to North Pond Home.
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ACW and St. Nicholas Men's Association at hip of beef dinner.
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Serving hip of beef dinner.
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Serving hip of beef dinner.
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Potluck with Torbay Catholic Women's League.
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ACW with Torbay Catholic Women's League members at St. Nicholas Hall.
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ACW and Torbay Catholic Women's League members at St. Nicholas Hall.
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Candlelight prayer.
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Candlelight prayer.
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A year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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Year end dinner attended by Pouch Cove and Torbay ACW members.
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