Since it was the Great Depression, Mr. Newton was careful to make sure that there was always enough food for all of the girls, and they could help themselves. All meals required that the children ate two helpings, which was far more than most of them were accustomed to eating. At the time it was a struggle for many of them to eat so much more than they had at home! The dining room and kitchen were upstairs in the Manor, in the two back rooms that once had been bedrooms which belonged to the boys during the McKenzies' residence at Craigflower.


Following the era of Mr. Newton's camp the farm was taken from the Hudson's Bay Company in order to pay the back taxes owed to Esquimalt Township on all of the farms in their jurisdiction. At this point a lot of the farm had already been sold off in sections, so this meant that the whole property was no longer under the jurisdiction of the Hudson's Bay Company.