An act preventing the spread of a disorder in certain parts of Gloucester and Northumberland.
13 April 1844
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Order in Council
An Act to Prevent the Spread of a Disorder now Existing in Certain Parts of the Counties of Gloucester and Northumberland
"To the Honorables Joseph Cunard, Alexander Rankin, esq. , Alexander Key, doctor, Rev. F. X. Lafrance, George Kerr, Charles J. Peters, esq.".
"By an Act of the Legislative Assembly, called: " An Act to Prevent the Spread of a Disorder Now Existing in Certain Parts of the Counties of Gloucester and Northumberland", made and passed on the thirteen day of the Month of April of the V111 th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria,".
"Be it therefore enacted that the Lieutenant Governor, have the power to appoint three or more persons to constitute a Board or Boards of Health, to have authority in the said Counties or in either of them, or in such Parish or Parishes, District of Districts of them, or either of them, that the Lieutenant Governor may deem necessary, and such Board to be called the Board of Health of such County or Counties, Parish or parishes, District or Districts".
"And secondly, that the Lieutenant Governor have equally the power to displace all or any such persons , and appoint others in the place or instead of such displaced person or persons, and also to increase the number of the members of such Board or Boards of Health".
"Now, and be it enacted that by virtue of the foresaid Act, you had been appointed: Hon. Joseph Cunard, Alexander Rankin esq., Alexander Key, doctor, Reverend F. X. Lafrance, George Kerr, esq., confident in your fidelity and wisdon to constitute the Board of Health of the Counties of Gloucester and Northumberland and be a member".
"And be it enacted, that by the power of the aforementioned Act, I confer to you full power and authority with the consent and approbation of His Excelllency the Lieutenant Governor and Administrator of the Province, or until other person or persons be appointed to displace you".
"The members of the Board of Health and other subjects of His majesty are urged to acknowledge the Rules and Regulations hereinafter mentioned and act accordingly".
"That was the first Board of Health in New Brunswick, Lower Canada".