Joseph Teres Elementary School Grade Five Choir

Proud of Our Veterans

We are proud of our veterans. Proud of you all.
You are patriots and heroes who answered the call. With courage, strength, and sacrifice, you saw our country through. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to you.

We are proud of our veterans. Proud of you all.
You are citizens with honor and faith, standing tall. Our freedom is assured to us because you all came through. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to you.


Tributes to the people who have served during times of conflict are around us everyday. When residents of Transcona walk down certain streets or visit parks and monuments they are continual reminders of the contribution veterans from this community have made. It is important to know of the lives recognized in these places. It helps us have a strong identity, sense of place and community pride. Transcona has done an invaluable service to this country and abroad. We should remember those who came before us and think of them as we visit the places erected or named in their honour. It is our duty also to ensure that these places are respected and maintained in a way that shows how Transcona values its veterans and heritage.