Threshing Scene at Buelow's old home
Palouse Hills, SW of Spokane, Washington, USA
This is a full threshing scene of the Buelow family working together on their farm, in Spokane, prior to moving to Alberta in 1905.
It shows the complexity and teamwork required by farmers during the threshing process.
You can see that this older style thresher only separated the grain from the straw, then the straw had to be hand bundled and manually carried away. The grain went into sacks, which you can see stacked close to the thresher.
Out front, in the middle of the photo, on the wagon, is grandpa Buelow, sewing more sacks to fill with grain, and off to their right is the steam engine, blowing a huge plume of steam into the air. Further right is the water wagon.
To learn more about the Buelow's who were one of the early families to our area, see their story in section two.