Marjory Hume, Getting Ready to Ride to School.
Near Mirror, Alberta
Marjory Hume, getting ready to ride her horse to school in Mirror.
Inside a School Classroom, possibly Mirror School
Mirror, Alberta
An inside look at an early rural school in the area.
Here is a list of some of the teachers who taught in the Lamerton and Mirror schools from 1902 to 1920.
1902 Mr. Shipley
1903 Mr. MacDonald
1904 Mr. Johnstone
1905 Mr. Cornett
1906 Miss Hyslop
1907 Miss Hyslop
1908 Miss Vickerson
1909 Miss Lodge (Mrs. Moore)
1910 Mr. Pulleyblank
1911 Miss Edwards, Mr. Gilbert
1912 Mr. Porter
1913 Mr. Porter, Miss Higgins, Mr. Pretty, Mrs. Bolch, and Miss Higgins
1914 Mr. Pretty, Mrs. Bolch, Miss Cassidy
1915 Mr. Pretty, Mrs. Bolch, Miss Cassidy and Miss Esther Albrecht
1916 E.M. Beckwith, Marion McLennon and Miss Caldwell
1917 Mr. George McDonald, Miss Agne White, Miss Helen White, Miss Lyla Halleran and Miss Kathleen Ennis
1918 Robert Fleming, Gertrude McMann, and Lilly Brown
1919 R. Lechelt, C.L. Coffey, A.L. Turner, Miss Sqarebriggs, Miss Beer and Miss Lavona Metcalf
1920 A.L. Turner, Emily Bailey, Mildred Brain