In 1897 the Restigouche and Western Railway Company was incorporated to build a line from Campbellton to Saint Leonard. The 111 mile long line would not only open up the timber resources of the area but would provide a connection between the Intercolonial Railway line at Campbellton with the New Brunswick Railway line at Saint Leonard. This would give manufacturers in Northeastern New Brunswick a faster way to ship goods into the United States via a connection with the Bangor & Aroostook Railway at Van Buren, Maine. Construction of the line, which passed through vast tracks of woodland and over difficult terrain, was started in 1898. The difficult terrain delayed construction and required the company to request additional subsidies. The International Railway Company of New Brunswick took over the line in 1906 and secured more money from the Provincial Government to finish construction. Finally the line was completed and opened in 1910. Four years later the Dominion of Canada purchased the money-losing line for $2.7 million. The Intercolonial Railway then operated the line until the line was merged into the Canadian National system in 1919. Canadian National continued to operate the line until it was abandoned in 1989.
International Railway line
20th Century
New Brunswick, Canada
New Brunswick Railway Museum
St. Quentin Station
21 June 1980
St. Quentin, New Brunswick, Canada
New Brunswick Railway Museum