Percy with Telescope
Circa 1895
Municipality of South Cypress, Manitoba, Canada

Alistair Abell
Sipiweske Museum


Percy's interest in astronomy began in England where he had owned a 9 ¼" telescope. His knowledge of sky phenomena became of immediate practical use on his arrival at the homestead. He wrote;

" One of my earliest operations was to describe a rough sundial, a fortunate act for very son the last workable watch ceased to tick, the mark of time would have been immeasurable. Then one of the oxen knocked over the central post. Since then we have had to guess the hours."

A sundial, set up the following year was used until 1889. Percy recorded in detail all unusual phenomena he observed. His power of observation was increased with the acquisition of a new telescope. Both telescopes arrived in 1889 and were used to observe a total eclipse of the sun in that year, and later in 1910 to observe Haley's Comet.

"J.A Tulk has bought me a new 6 ½" Browning reflector with accessories and seven eye pieces, cost him 15.15. It is very kind of him, but my 9 ¼ would have served me well. He proposes sending it out."