Canadian Petroleum Discovery Centre
Devon, Alberta

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Black Gold Pioneers: Alberta's Petroleum Legacy



From W.J. Gibson's Long Hand Notes regarding the Atlantic No.3 WellA summit meeting was held in the dog house at Atlantic #3 on the evening of March 6, 1948. The object of the meeting was to lay out action to be taken to successfully complete Atlantic No. 3. Those in attendance were the senior members of the drilling arm (General Petroleum) and the Engineering arm of Denton and Spencer. They included Lloyd Stafford, Clarence Matthews, John Gray.There were definitely two schools of thought. Mr. Stafford the tool push on the well and a man that had considerable experience in the drilling game both with Rotary rigs and cable tool rigs, Mr. Gray and Mr. Matthews engineers and both respected in their field. Mr. Stafford felt very strongly that a string of 7" casing should be run to seal off the formations penetrated to date and that the hole that still had to be penetrated could be sealed off with a 5" liner run and cemented from total depth up into the 7" casing.The Engineering arm on the other hand argued this was an unnecessary precaution and that drilling could proceed dry to total depth. That is drill ahead even if the drilling fluid cuttings etc. did not return to surface but rather flush ahead into the porous reservoir rock. This approach I am sure was influenced by Mr. Gray who had used it very successfully in Persia (?). A decision was made and Mr. Stafford was instructed to continue drilling without returns. He objected to no avail and was instructed to phone Matthews later in the hotel in Edmonton and advise him how work was progressing. Lloyd Stafford to this day admits that this was a low point in his working career being called upon to do something he felt so opposed to.


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