Copper Cliff Museum
Sudbury, Ontario

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Copper Cliff at War



Dear Father + Sisters,

I received your letter

+ postcards of Luxulyan

Valley + I hope you will

send me some more cards

of the valley or other places

of Interest. On every letter

or postcard I have one from

you either you or Hilda have

got bad colds. You'll have

to alter your tactics of sleep

with you[sic] window wide

open all the time + also

try to get a bath put in

some where so you can have

a bath twice a week. I haven't had

a cold worth mentioning since

I have been here + I always

sleep with my window wide

open. Sometimes when I wake

up the water in the wash jug

is frozen solid, or else my bed

is covered in snow. I hope

Aunt Julia is allright[sic] again.

I got my Xmas box allright[sic] +

got my pudding boiled for…

…me + all. These two photos

represent the exterior +

interior of the English

Church. There are lots more

houses going up here now.

Seems to be a favorite thing

to do all their building in

winter, when tis 30° or 40°

below. I suppose Phillis

thought I had forgotten

the address as she wrote it

in full at the bottom of the

card. I had a nice Xmas card

from Millons + Auntie says

Florrie was is in hospital

with diphtheria + something.

I hope she'll pull around

allright[sic]. I think I wrote

+ told you that Tommy was

taking a trip West, but I

think he has changed

his mind now + is going

home. I[f] he does go home

I will write you again so

you can look out for a call

from him. Remember me

to all. Len.


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