Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud Black History




MJ - Marlene Jamieson, interviewee; LW - Lavinia (Ann) Wilson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

MJ: I don't know, she... they... Her and my auntie used to take us to Niagara Falls, or Fort Erie, or something, I don't know. And this is; we were doing the nativity at home.

LR: Okay

MJ: And the neighbour...

LW: Is it in somebody's yard?

MJ: This what?

LR: No...

MJ: No, it's a big building...

LR: ...the nativity is in somebody's yard...

MJ: No, that's in front of Burgar Park.

LR: Okay

MJ: We did it, the na... at home, the nativity, and people had to pay money to come and see us! [laughs] And my mother was a... the angel!

LR: Ah!

MJ: And I still remember, I could see here, she standing right there...

LR: That's great...

MJ: So, I was Virgin Mary 1 year.

LR: Good for you... [much background chuckling]

MJ: The next year, I think it was my sister. And the people used to come and laugh, and we'd then make them refreshments. Me, my younger sister, my younger brother and my older brother; younger brother and me;

LR: older brother...

MJ: ...older brother; me, older bother.

LR: Okay

MJ: We used to make faces when they were going to take pictures of us? Just to get going. Yeah.

LR: [laughs]

MJ: We did! And then my auntie would go 'Oh!' and my mother would go 'Oh!' because we were being... like this. And then... Okay, that's enough of that.

LR: No it's not...

MJ: My mother said they had... I'm so great... I'm just so beautiful; my mother said they had that picture in the window someplace, I don't know, downtown.

LR: Oh really!

MJ: You know when it, when it came out? Look at me, all fat and chubby...

LR: Aw, maybe you were being a fashion plate, children's fashions for the day.

MJ: I was.


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