General Currie Heritage School
Richmond, British Columbia

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School Yard Memories



General Currie and Bridgeport Schools' May Day Celebrations 1935-38 One of the most exciting times of the year for elementary grade pupils in Richmond in the mid to late 1930's were the May Day celebrations held annually at Brighouse Racetrack. I can remember all the preparations preceding this big event. These preparations began the last two weeks of April when Maypoles were delivered to all the elementary schools in the district. Small schools such as General Currie received one pole, while larger schools such as Bridgeport received three or four. Then the practices began. 'Come Lasses and Lads' was played ad infinitum on P.A. systems and record players throughout the district while pupils practiced to perfection. At the larger schools that also enrolled grades 4-6, flag drills were also practiced. Another feature of the celebrations was the choosing of the May Queen and Royal Princesses. The Queen was chosen from one of the larger elementary schools - Bridgeport, Mitchell or Lord Byng on a rotation basis, while princesses were chosen from all three schools. On the 'Big Day' all participants converged on Brighouse Racetrack dressed in their finery - navy blue shorts and white tops. Here the Maypoles had been set-up in the Centre field in front of the grandstand. The celebrations began with the crowning of the Queen immediately in front of the grandstand, followed by the parade of the Royal Party to the throne area in the Centre field. The Queen and Princesses were escorted by the Reeve and fellow Councillor. Once the Royal Party was seated, the Queen ordered the commence-ment of the festivities. Then the maypole dancing, the flag drills and gymnastic displays thrilled the parents and friends in the grandstand. At the end of the day each school child was given a ticket for either an ice cream cone or pop. It was the most exciting day of the school year! Jack Lowe


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