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The Shawville-Clarendon-Thorne Historical Record Project, 1973
Pontiac Historical Museum
Shawville , Quebec


exhibit are brief excerpts
from the audio recordings,
and summaries or
transcriptions of what was
said. The full-length
recordings at full resolution
will be on file for listening
at the Pontiac Archives in
Shawville, Quebec.

   The Opportunities For
Youth program funded a fine
work. The young people who
undertook this task learned
well, and went on to prosper
in various ways and distant
locations. They left a
lasting momentum of
historical research and

preservation within the
community. The elder citizens
who gave of their time and
shared their memories, make
it possible for us to travel
back to their days, and
marvel at the distance.
Shawville Council and later,
the Pontiac Archives provided
storage and safekeeping for

the collected recordings and
phototgraphs, so that this
significant work was not lost
to the ravages of time. The
Pontiac Historical Society
sponsored this updating of
the collection, so that its
access and safety can be
assured, into the future.

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