Typed text from Postcards: Smelter, Copper Cliff & Copper Cliff (Residential Image)

Copper Cliff

May 12th

Dear Father + Sisters,

I have not received

any letters from home now for

nearly three weeks. There was

a smash up on the Toronto line

some four or five days ago and I guess

what was coming was lost there.

We are having beautiful weather

now again, alltho[sic] last week we

had 4° of frost and a little snow

storm. We have started up a

good football team here this

season and lots of the fellows

are taking great Interest in it, but

of course the great National

game is Base-ball something

like what we call rounders home.

This is another view of the plant

+ perhaps you will be surprised

to see a small lake there. All

our furnaces are fitted with

water-jackets + this water is…

…pumped all through these

water-jackets + back into the

lake again. This water is

purified every week with

soda-ash. This is a photo of

part of another street, you will

notice that every house has a

verandah, quite different from old

Country style. Tommy is expecting

his brother out here every day.

He is an Electrician + ought

to do well. Do you see anything

in the papers home about the

fun they are having in the

Canadian parliament of this

naval bill. I think they will

have to go to the Country at

the finish. There are lots of new

houses going up here and if

they still keep going this will

be quite a town pretty soon.

I'm just going to have

a kick around, give my regards

to all. Len


Postcard: Presbyterian Church, Copper Cliff
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Presbyterian Church, Copper Cliff
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcard: Presbyterian Church, Copper Cliff

We had our Football consert[sic]

last night, that is the first

consert[sic] for the season. We

have about sixty members

so far. This is a regular

sporty town just like home.

This is a very queer dream

of yours, but I don't think

Father + Hilda will come

to Canada without you.

There's lots of room for

everybody who wants to go

to Canada. I am sorry

to hear Aunt Julia has

been ill + I hope she is

well again now. I will

get my photo taken pretty

soon now. I have two new

suits of clothes, one for best

+ one for knocking about in.

Clothes are very dear here

Fancy paying 5 or 6 £ for

a suit of clothes. Love to all



Postcard: Copper Cliff (Industrial Image)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Industrial Image)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Industrial Image)

…the most of my time. This

is the Reverberatory[sic] plant,

which is separate from the

Smelter + I have nothing to

do with that. I think I miss

a lot of letters somewhere, the

only Photo I received yet

is Hilda's. I am in splendid

health, never felt so well in

all my life + you may depend

my health comes first in anything.

I see in the Guardian where

E. S. S. Davies injured his wrist

trying to start his motor. Some

swank, eh? Spraining a wrist

trying to start a 50$ Auto.

St Blazey is certainly

getting some classy residents.

I must let Father know that

my stock has been going up

all along the line + my Interests

seem more like a speculation

than an investment. Give my

kind regards to Aunt Julia +

all. Len


Postcard: Copper Cliff (Residential Image 2)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Residential Image 2)
ca. 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Typed text from Postcard: Copper Cliff (Residential Image 2)

Post Office

Copper Cliff

Dear Father + Sisters,

I received Postcards

from Phillis a few days ago

+ I certainly recognize both places

allright[sic]. Phillis needn't worry

about the Foundry not being

shown, I have a pretty fair

picture of the Foundry in

my mind, so I don't need it on

P. Cds. Soon swank Aunt Mary

+ Uncle going to London to see

Chrissie. I guess they will

have a good look around

London. We are having

beautiful weather here still.

I took a trip to Sudbury

yesterday that's the nearest

town from here + it's quite a

little place, believe me.

Things are rather quiet

around here now as regards

construction work.


Postcard: Yard Engine, Copper Cliff
22 September 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Yard Engine, Copper Cliff
22 September 1913
Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Postcard: Gorge of Sable River, Massey, Ont
22 September 1912
Massey, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith


Text from Postcard: Gorge of Sable River, Massey, Ont
22 September 1913
Massey, Ontario, Canada

Greater Sudbury Heritage Image Collection
Donated by Doreen Smith