Inverness Miners' Museum
Inverness, Nova Scotia

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The Broken Ground: A History of a Cape Breton Coal Mining Community
Location: Inverness, Nova Scotia, C...



On August 4, 1904, the first issue of the Inverness News and Mining and Shipping Gazette, was published by A.S. Mac Adam. The first headline, Founders of Inverness, honoured the role played by William Penn Hussey and J. Fred Hussey in the establishment of the first major coal mine and their contribution to attracting coal miners to the region. Another noteworthy story appeared describing the new town of Inverness. It is written as it appeared in 1904.

That Inverness is alive to its importance and resources is plainly manifested by its recent activity. The town has been incorporated and with commendable zeal in taking steps to introduce those civic reforms that are necessary for the well- being of its increasing population. It is not desirable that one should stumble in the dark, or lose his balance at any doorstep, therefore the promenade must be put in through repair for the accommodation of traffic and pleasure seekers. When all this is effected in the near future the Post Office, and other public buildings must, in their location, accommodation and architecture be such as shall worthily maintain the credit of our town. With three large hotels, many boarding houses, several beautiful residences, cottages, and endless stores, Inverness is prepared to surprise visitors who come and peer at us as if we were some north-western upstart.

It is not evident that the world is moving and not only we? Yes, we intend to move Upward and push our rear backwards beyond No. 2 and No. 3 to the adjacent mountains

There only can we find refuge and rest for our limbs. The kind of evidence that provided the measure will also provide the means and doubtless the coal measures extend from here to the Sydneys.


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