Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud Black History
Location: Stewart Memorial Church, ...




CD - Connie Duncan, interviewee [with her daughter, Aileen Duncan (AD) present] / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

CD: After Reverend Stewart passed away, and, uh, we were so much in debt, that uh, we started the choir; a senior choir sang the first Sunday of every month to a group.

LR: Okay.

CD: Say the Kiwanis, uh, the Kinsmen, the Lions; and that's how we got the money to pay off the mortgage. It was...

LR: For the church. Ah, okay.

CD: All they did, was just nothing but singing.

LR: So it was a concert. Was it spiritual music?

CD: Spiritual music, the whole thing.

LR: The whole thing. And that would, when would they sing then, Sunday afternoon?

CD: Sunday night.

LR: Sunday night!?

CD: Sunday night at 7 o'clock.

LR: Okay. So that was with the service at 7? Or... No. This was...

CD: No, no. No service on that night.

LR: No services with them. Okay.

CD: I think Reverend Holl, uh, Holland got up and he said a few words; he said prayer...

LR: Okay.

CD: ...and then the choir start singing. Now then afterwards it would be a few words and a prayer and the choir sang. That's all it was, no service, sermon or anything.

LR: Oh my... Okay, alright... very...

CD: [coughs]

LR: Very creative way to, uh...

CD: So that's how we, uh...

LR: Fund the church.

CD: Got the, uh, mortgage.

LR: mhmm.

CD: Our church mortgage paid for.

LR: So when did you finally have it paid off?

CD: What year? I forget. [19]'30... '38?

LR: Okay...

CD: Was it 1938?

LR: That's not too long.

CD: No, it didn't take us long...

LR: No.

CD: ...because I mean we had the service in the morning and at noon...

LR: Right.

CD: ...and the ministers didn't get paid that much.

LR: Right; right...

CD: And it was just the collection that all come in...

LR: mhmm...

CD: ...went to pay for the mortgage. The collec, ah, the collection in the daytime or night-time, the regular service, paid for the...

LR: Minister and other...

CD: ...other church...

LR: ...other expenses of the church. Okay.

CD: Mhmm.

LR: And the church is still here today. Is this still a working church?

CD: Oh yes!


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