Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud Black History
Location: Stewart Memorial Church, ...




CD - Connie Duncan, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

CD: Oh, we had a big house on the farm.

LR: Okay.

CD: But here [in Hamilton], um... Uh, we didn't have furnaces then; no furnaces. So it was wood stoves...

LR: Really; okay...

CD: So, like coal and that. So in the winter we, 1 year we stayed upstairs, lived upstairs; and the next we stayed downstairs; we were trying to find... And then, um, we used to have people coming in, um, would like, er, Reverend Foster; people from Owen Sound, from the States; everybody came to our place. And they stayed at our place and then they...

LR: Okay; and then moved to where their final destination was...

CD: Yeah.

LR: Okay; alright. So, no furnaces; wood stove...

CD: It was a coal stove.

LR: Coal stove. What about, ah, water? [laughs]

CD: Oh we did... Oh! In the city we had water.

LR: Okay.

CD: But no hot water.

LR: No hot water. Okay...

CD: In the country, you had water from outside.

LR: Right.

CD: Lug it into the house...

LR: In the well...

CD: ...but here, until later on, and then, um, they, uh, got a hot water heater with a tank but that was after I went in the army.

LR: Okay.

CD: [indecipherable]

LR: So growing up there wasn't. So what was Sunday bath night like? Or Saturday bath night.

CD: Sunday... Oh, round little tub!

LR: Yeah... yeah...

CD: We got in; you may have a burnt this side; or a burnt this side [opposite] because you was at the stove in the wintertime...

LR: Okay...

CD: ...anyway...

LR: Yeah, yeah...

CD: But you got in, you got your bath, got out and the next 1 went in.

LR: Alright. And toilet at the end of the yard?

CD: Not here, no.

LR: Okay.

CD: It was a flush toilet.

LR: Oh! alright; okay... That's, that's pretty advanced...

CD: Oh yeah...

LR: ...for that time. Yeah...

CD: mhmm...

LR: Alright...

CD: Yeah. Tryin' to think, I think there was a bathtub but we never used it.

LR: Never used it... Probably easier and warmer to keep it by, in the kitchen...

CD: I don't remember ever using it. You couldn't. No...

LR: the stove...

CD: ...because you had to carry the hot water...

LR: Yeah; yeah...

CD: ...from the stoves to the tub.

LR: Yeah...


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