Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud Black History
Location: Stewart Memorial Church, ...




CD - Connie Duncan, interviewee [daughter Aileen Duncan (AD) present] / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

LR: When, do you know when your Dad was born?

CD: She'll know [referring to her daughter, Aileen Duncan].

LR: She'll know. Okay...

CD: 18[00; Aileen Duncan later noted 1897] something! [chuckles]

LR: 18 something! Now how old would you say he looks in that picture?

CD: Oh jeepers, he was only...20s? He was that...

LR: Yeah, I would have said 20s. Wow...

CD: And this is when he was at the Connaught Hotel [Hamilton, Ontario].

LR: Okay... Now, so what did he do when he was at the Connaught Hotel?

CD: He was the Night, uh, Captain.

LR: Night Captain, okay. 'Cause I was gonna ask you when you, now was that when you moved to Hamilton? He had that job?

CD: Ah...

LR: Or did he have that when you were out in Burford?

CD: No, after we came here.

LR: Okay.

CD: I think. I'm not sure; I don't know.

LR: 'Cause I was going to ask you when you came here from the farm, what, what did your mum and dad work at?

CD: My mother didn't work.

LR: Okay;

CD: My dad did.

LR: She had enough work at home...

CD: Now my Dad could have been workin' over at the, uh, Connaught.

LR: Okay.

CD: Yeah.


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