Amos Seaman School Museum
River Hebert, Nova Scotia

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King Seaman - His Legacy Continues
Location: Minudie, Nova Scotia

Inside view of the Seaman Universalist Church, Minudie, Nova Scotia, built by Amos Seaman.
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The Seaman Universalist Church, Minudie, Nova Scotia.
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The Amos Seaman School Museum, Minudie, Nova Scotia, was restored in 2003.
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Inside view of St. Denis Roman Catholic Church, Minudie, Nova Scotia.
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St. Denis Roman Catholic Church, Minudie, Nova Scotia.
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Local fisherman climbing a ladder to retrieve the fish off the nets.
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Several men pounding the stakes, that secured the nets, down into the mud flats.
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A local fisherman removes a twist in the net.
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The mud flats of Minudie.
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This photo shows the nets spread out across the bay, which were 386 feet long.
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A good catch was 150 shad at one time.
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A fisherman splitting, cleaning and storing fish to sell locally or in Amherst.
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Returning to the fish camps with the puncheons of fish on the back of the cart.
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Press notice from April 1893 giving the benefits of emigrating to Nova Scotia.
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The funeral at St. Denis Church on September 24th, 1930.
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A school research project by Grade VI students of River Hebert in 1976.
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A school research project by Grade VI studentd from River Hebert in 1976.
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An extract from the 'Old King is Back': Amos 'King' seaman and his diary.
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