Mountain View Museum (Olds Historical Society)
Olds, Alberta

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Arriving at the 6th Siding
Location: Olds NWT Canada




The New Arrival
A short story from 'Pioneer Tales and Other Human Stories'
By H.B. Adshead

When I reached John's house I made known my mission and very quickly my neighbor's wife got dressed and putting on her rubber coat (still raining) we started back. When we arrived at the edge of the water I had to convince Mrs. Deans that we could navigate the channel. I had to leave her on a knoll and drive across alone and come back again before I could persuade her that she might venture across. So putting her feet on the cushion and sitting on them so that she would not get wet when the water came in around the dashboard, we managed to get home without mishap.
Then came the journey for good old Doc. Kay. It was just breaking daylight, and through mud, rain and slush the miles wore on until doc.'s house was reached. 'That you A?' he called out. 'Yes,' I answered, 'how did you know?' 'Oh,' he answered, 'I just thought the affair would come off in this weather.'
Lighting his pipe, and wrapping up both himself and his case to keep dry, we retraced our steps, facing the eternal drizzle, sleet and wind.


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