Grimsby Museum
Grimsby, Ontario

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Grown in the Garden of Canada: The History of the Fruit Industry in Grimsby, Ontario
Location: Kittling Ridge Estate Win...




Interview with John Hall, President and C.E.O. Kittling Ridge Estate Wines and Spirits - John Explains His Unique Blended Ice Wine and Brandy

Ice wine is very sweet, it would be about twenty on the sugar scale, and it would be a lovely dessert wine. You can have it after dinner, or you could serve it as dessert. But there are many people that find wine too sweet and because I am a distiller and make brandy I decided one year that I would try blending my ice wine with my brandy. Brandy has some wonderful, wonderful flavour notes but a lot of people find brandy too strong in alcohol at 40 % alcohol, so I decided to blend some of the brandy into my ice wine which would reduce the sugar content to a medium dry and reduce the sugar content from twenty of ice wine down to ten, so it half the sweetness. And with all of the nice fresh fruit aromas and flavours from the ice wine, with the nice rounded aged flavours of brandy it provides for a very unique dessert wine. We are, Kittling Ridge is the only winery in the world that makes ice wine and brandy and have been for the last fourteen years. Between Kitting Ridge Ice Wine and Brandy and our ice wine, we have won well over thirty international tasting awards throughout the world.


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