Over the Top Museum
Birchy Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador

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The Birth of a Community, The Story of Birchy Bay
Location: Baytona, Newfoundland & L...




James Lewis - "Now there is only one thing I can put it to. Right, right around there where Toney's house out there now. Six, seven feet long rocks piled up you know about that wide (shows with hands) . Well all I put it to is and Indian grave. Right down could of been under Stew's house, Toney's house on the upper part of it. I can mind all about it and we dug up my son clay pipes, old knives, old stuff like that you know. Beds, one of this side and one on the other side setting potatoes in father did, we cleared land and when digging spuds up you dig up clay pipes, half of one broke off. I don't know who put 'em there Indian grave yeah, one time, yeah. I cannot mind much about 'em (Laughs) But my son this was six feet long, I can picture it in me mind now and there was rocks there piled all along you know even on this spot. Father said old Indian grave."
Desmond Canning - "So you just took the rocks and everything out of it, did you?"
James Lewis - "Well yes, because you set potatoes there before Stew built an house there, yeah. There were several places like that you know up and down the shore, not several but I can mind about two or three or three or four."


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