Thunder Bay Military Museum
Thunder Bay, Ontario

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Thunder Bay Military Museum History Series: HMCS GRIFFON
Location: Thunder Bay Military Muse...




Every service and unit has its heroes and heroines. One that the navy, HMCS GRIFFON, and the Lakehead has was Lt Mary Armstrong who served first as a "Wren" officer and later as a reserve navy officer at HMCS GRIFFON. Lt Armstrong, who was trained as a signals officer, served in Ottawa and later at the Naval signals station at East Baccare, where she became Commanding Officer. While serving at East Baccare, she determined the location of a German submarine off the east coast of Nova Scotia. The submarine was found at that location and destroyed. For her action and skill Lt Armstrong was awarded the Medal of the Order of the British Empire. The original full-size medal is on display at HMCS GRIFFON, her miniatures and other memorabilia are that the Thunder Bay Military Museum. Lt Armstrong served with HMCS GRIFFON until August 1954 when she moved to Guelph, Ontario.


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