Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre
Red Lake, Ontario

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Residential Schools: The Red Lake Story



Last spring you and your staff presented the exhibition, Residential School: The Red Lake Story. We wholeheartedly support your plan to adapt this exhibition to an on-line virtual exhibit.

Putting your whole exhibit on-line will allow more people to acquaint themselves with parts of Canadian history that remain untold. It would also honor the experience of former residents of the schools by giving them a broader audience and allowing their descendants and non-Aboriginal people to become more informed.

We appreciate the photos you included lat year in your email messages depicting various parts of your exhibit. How could our members benefit from your exhibit on-line? It would allow the few members of our congregation who worked in Residential Schools, especially in the McIntosh School in Armstrong, and who are still with us, to talk about their experiences and continue to heal their pain.

We encourage you and your staff to make the Residential Schools: The Red Lake Story, a virtual exhibit.

Sincerely yours,

Lea Boutin, mo


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