Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre
Red Lake, Ontario

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Residential Schools: The Red Lake Story



As President and Chairman of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, I encourage and support your proposal to adapt "Residential Schools: the Red Lake Story" as an on-line virtual exhibit.

We at the Foundation know from experience that the telling of our stories in our own words and images contributes powerfully to healing. When I was Co-Chair of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, I became well aware of the hunger across this country to talk about what happened in the schools and to have these testimonies heard and validated by others. The 1996 RCAP Report recommended that more oportunities be given to former students tot talk about their experiences. I have abserved with dismay that over ten years later much work remains to be done in this area.

There is in addition to this a complementary need to educated our people, and in particular our youth, about the residential school system and its enduring legacy. We will not have healing in our familes and nations, nor will we have reconciliation with Governement and churches, without an understanding of history and a commitment never again to countenance such a system.

On behalf of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, I thank you for your dedication and wish you success in your efforts.


Georges Erasmus,


Aboriginal Healing Foundation


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