Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Richard Wilson




RW - Richard Wilson, interviewee; MJ - Marlene Jamieson, interviewee; LW - Lavinia (Ann) Wilson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

RW: I remember...

MJ: What do you think?

RW: Oh yeah, I remember, the done in 1 [?] is the, uh, the bridge [referring to Peace Bridge in Fort Erie]. I remember my Dad takin' me down on Niagara Street and to show me his job and that, 'cause that was 1 of the jobs he had during the Depression. And he used to throw... he had a big pair of like iron tongs that, and they, they had a barbeque thing there, it wasn't a barbeque it was a forge, and all those bridges are riveted together. Those little bump things there? They would heat them in that forge and then my, there'd be a guy looking after that, and then my Dad's job was to take 1 of those hot things and throw it, with the tongs. And then a guy up on the bridge had a bucket and he'd reach out and catch the thing like that, and then another guy put it in the hole thing like that, and another guy with a hammer there making it...

MJ: What if they would have missed?

RW: They missed! There's all kind of rivets sitting

LW: In the river...

RW: ...down under the bridge where they missed...


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