Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Richard Wilson




MJ - Marlene Jamieson, interviewee; RW - Richard Wilson, interviewee; LW - Lavinia (Ann) Wilson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

LR: Now there was, there was 1 in there of you and someone else at Crystal Beach.

MJ: My sister.

LR: That's your sister?

MJ: Et moi... And my brother, my younger brother.

LR: You and your younger brother. Now when do you think that was? How old... When did you have that dog?

MJ: Well, it wasn't my dog; it was my older brother's dog. [laughs]

RW: Was it roto... [indecipherable]

MJ: He got killed under the um, milk, eh... You know the milk wagon?

LW: mhmm

MJ: The horses used to pull the milk wagon.

LR: Okay...

MJ: You know? You looking at...

LW: She doesn't remember!

MJ: She's looking at me! [laughs]

LR: I don't remember a milk wagon; I remember the milk being delivered, but it was in a truck, not in a wagon.

MJ & LW: No, this was / it was a wagon.

MJ: And they would jump off and bring the milk and... Horses; this was for quite a while in Welland.

RW: There was milk and the bread; the baker...

MJ: All that...

LW: Everybody...

MJ: Ice man... ice man...

RW: All those... were all horse and buggy.

LR: All horse and buggy...

LW: Garbage man.

LR: Garbage man was horse and buggy!

RW: Yeah, and the garbage man.

LR: Wow...

MJ: You get the ice and put it in your, the ice box, yeah, and everything like that and... Oh. Anyway. So. This is what happened. He got killed.

LR: The dog?

MJ: Yes. Because I remember I was in the house. And I remember, uh, somebody came to the door or something and they were going to tell my brother. Yeah. But that was Mac. So. That's the end of that tune.

LR: So when was that?

MJ: Well, I don't know. Because I'd have to be... huh...5, 4, 6... And you know what? I don't know because, I know it's in the diary though,

LR: Okay

MJ: I know it's in the diary

LR: Okay

MJ: ...because my grandmother wrote it down.


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