Solidarity: The Largest Political Protest in British Columbia's History
A man, speaking at a podium, faces out towards a large crowd of people on the lawn of the B.C. legislature. Reporters are gathered, holding microphones and cameras towards the podium. Organizational banners and protest signs are visible throughout the crowd. Un homme, prenant la parole devant un podium, fait face à une foule nombreuse sur la pelouse du C.-B. corps législatif. Des journalistes sont rassemblés, tenant des microphones et des caméras vers le podium. Des bannières organisationnelles et des pancartes de protestation sont visibles dans la foule.

Solidarity: The Largest Political Protest in British Columbia's History

BC Labour Heritage Centre 2019

In 1983, British Columbia experienced the largest political protest in its history. Resistance to repressive legislation and a slashed provincial budget lasted several months, in the form of massive demonstrations, rallies, petitions and an escalating strike plan.

More than 35 years later, this exhibit explores the diverse experiences and recollections of workers and activists involved in this historic moment, and pays tribute to the power of solidarity between communities.