The excellent reputation of the mounted force developed through the consistency of its commanding officers, the support of the settlers and the regimental details in the duties performed by its officers.


Building the reputation of the Force


Reputable Forces Service Uniforms



The true legend builders of the mounted force are those men that trained and shaped the police recruits and its governing body. With persistence, stubborn attitudes, and the presence of prestigious uniforms, the foundation was laid for the development of an unshakably regal reputable police force that prevails today.


The Commanding Leaders


Inspector Antrobus worked his way through the ranks, first joining as a constable in 1874, then reaching Superintendent in 1886. Over his 18 year employment with the force, he spent from 1880 - 1884 at Fort Saskatchewan. At this time, the original "A" Division was replaced by "D" Division. His career ended in 1892, when he was released from duty due to excessive drinking, accusations of falsifying documents, stealing and ordering his quartermaster to make false entries in the post ledger.


Inspector Gagnon, a Frenchman with quirky mannerisms, served at Fort Saskatchewan until 1883, first as a Sub-Inspector under Inspector Jarvis in 1876, then, taking over duties until Inspector William D. Antrobus reached the post for command in 1880. In 1883, when Inspector Griesbach arrived at Fort Saskatchewan Headquarters, Inspector Gagnon was still present and serving at the post.

Inspector W.A. Griesbach's son recalls his first encounter with Inspector Gagnon upon arriving in Fort Saskatchewan.


Reputable Forces Major A.H. Griesbach
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Reputable Forces Inspector Gagnon
1 September 1883


Inspector W.A. Griesbach's son recalls his first encounter with Inspector Gagnon upon arriving in Fort Saskatchewan:
"In September of 1883, we reached Fort Saskatchewan and my father relieved Inspector Gagnon. Gagnon was a French Canadian who wore a full reddish beard which covered his chest down to his waist. In some curious manner he wore his forage cap over his right ear but without a chin strap. I never heard that his forage cap ever fell off."


Reputable Forces Superintendent A.H. Griesback
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


Upon receiving orders from the Crown, Inspector Griesbach's leadership of "D" Division was replaced by "E" Division.


Reputable Forces Superintendent Jarvis in Command


Sergeant-Major Sam Steele recalls the duties of the commanding officers when Griesbach arrives at Fort Saskatchewan:

"Superintendent Jarvis was left in command after Colonel Smith returned to Winnipeg. Inspector Walsh took over the duties of adjutant, veterinary surgeon and riding master. Griesbach took charge of the discipline and instructed the divisions at foot drill in the square of the fort. I took over the breaking of the horses and instructed the NCO's and men in riding."