In the 1960's Jean and Gerald Thompson bought the site as her private home and turned it into a museum, giving tours through the rooms. At this time the museum used a more 'open concept', where the tour was guided through all of the building, and no barriers were in place like they are today. The Thompson's acquired a number of the items displayed here today, many of which had been brought to the manor by Mr. Christie during his days in the hotel, and placed them so that the public could see them for the first time.


Jean Thompson's Christmas Card
Modern, 1955-1965
Craigflower, View Royal, Victoria, Canada


In 1967 the province bought the site at Craigflower making many changes to the property around the Manor, as well as the interior of the structure. This restoration was done under the direction of Peter Cotton, who was a local architect. After intensive research he started the restorations. In the process of his research he found elements of the original construction and used that as a guide to restore the house. One of the most interesting things which was uncovered was the original wallpaper. Cotton went down through the layers of wallpaper to the first layer, cross referenced it with other wallpapers from that period and had these patterns reproduced. The layers can still be seen today through Plexiglass posted in the hallway, parlour and dining room.

Peter Cotton's restoration was under a very strict time constraint, since the money had to be spent by 31st March 1968, after only being allotted in 1967. As a result, at its opening in 1969, some of the furnishings had yet to be completed. The time period, 1861 was decided upon because it was halfway in between the years that the Mckenzies resided there, 1856 to 1866. At this time the furnishings already in the house which were deemed inappropriate and were removed and replaced with ones more likely to be there at the time, given the McKenzie's social and economic standing. Cotton states that "Craigflower Farmhouse is a unique asset" to British Columbia as it's our "earliest standing example of a house type whose roots go back to the 18th Century." The most similar example to Craigflower is in Oregon, but there are no other houses like it from the time period in British Columbia.


Craigflower manor after restoration.
20th Century, 1979
Craigflower, View Royal, Victoria, Canada



In 1983 Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth came to visit Craigflower Schoolhouse on the occasion of the 132nd Anniversary of the first ringing of the schoolbell on March 8th. In preparation for her visit many changes were made to the site that included a restoration. John Adams came in and helped to quickly get the site set up and public programs written in preparation of the visit. The Queen unveiled a plaque at this ceremony which can still be seen at the Schoolhouse today.


John Adams and Queen Elizabeth 2 at Craigflower
8 May 1981
Craigflower, View Royal, Victoria, Canada

Phillip Graham


In 2005 it was the sesquicentenary of the Schoolhouse. Craigflower Schoolhouse and its two sucessor schools have been such a major part of the community so much so that the local First Nations and former pupils all came out to join in the celebrations.


Schoolhouse 150th Celebration in 2005
21 Century, March 2005
Craigflower, View Royal, Victoria, Canada


Craigflower Manor in snow
24 January 1971
Craigflower, View Royal, Victoria, Canada