In 2009 the Culture & Heritage class at Cloud River Academy created books that described in words and pictures important memorie from their childhoods. Cloud River Academy is a regional school that serves students from Roddickton, Bide Arm and Englee. As part of this project, the students also had the opportunity to view a number of pictures from the time their parents and grandparents were children. Some of those pictures are in this exhibit. They also scanned pictures to be used in this exhibit and learned about the process of making a visual documentary in book form. A few pages from several of the books are presented here.


Nicholas and his best friend
1995 - 2005
Roddickton, NL


This is a picture of me and one of my best friends Myles Fillier. Living in a small town like Roddickton, you get the opportunity to make close friends more easily compared to if I lived in the city. In Roddickton everybody knows everybody and most of the time when you make a friend or make a connection in a small town, it's a connection that lasts a life time. Even now Myles and I still hang out and are best friends like when we were kids.


Billie and ancestors
1990 - 2000
Roddickton, NL


This simple picture tells a lot about who I am. I love being outside, especially in the winter riding skidoos, sliding and so on. Also, in this picture I am wearing a native-like suit, which is very special to me. It was given to me by my Nan who a native herself, which shows a little bit about my culture.


Natalie learns to skate
1995 - 2005
Roddickton, NL


Skating is another winter activity many people participate in. Kids start learning how to skate at young ages. Here my friend and I were learning how to skate in a neighbor's backyard. He used to flood his backyard in the wintertime and allow people to skate there. A lot of people used to skate in the outdoors in flooded backyards and on ponds, but now most people go to the arena to skate.


Nicholas and his first fish
1995 - 2005
Englee, Newfoundland


As a young boy I always liked the idea of growing up and being a fisherman; and growing up on the northern peninsula gave me the opportunity to go out in boat all the time with my pop and learn all about fishing and boats. This picture shows me catching one of my first fish. Everytime I look at this picture I feel proud and it brings back awesome memories of me and my pop out in a boat all day long.


Ryan and Andrew go fishing
1995 - 2005
Roddickton, NL


This is a picture of me and my friend Andrew Randell at Camp 20. We usually spent a lot of time out in the speedboat with my grandfather Ralph. Lots of great memories of Camp 20.


Damian and Dylan get in trouble
1995 - 2005
Roddickton, NL


This is the camp where my mom used to work.One day after school me and Dylan walked in there. It was far from home. My mom wasn't very happy about it and made dad come get us on skidoo.


Lorraine goes camping
1990 - 2005
Roddickton, NL