We probably built our house on an old French or Indian burial ground. I don't know, nobody ever dug down there, but I know one thing, we didn't have much comfort in that new house. We all had our own bedrooms but mys sister wouldn't stay in her room unless I was there because int he nighttime she couldn't keep covered up. It was like something w3as pulling the clothes off the bed, and a lot of times there was a sound like a wind blowing through some sort of pipe. But there wouldn't be a draft of wind outside. We could hear ticking in the wall t hat started off like a watch and then went up to a clock. By the end of it, it was like a gong tht goes clump, clump. It felt like the walls were going to buckle - still no wind outside. All of a sudden the curtains would come straight out from the windows. My mother wouldn't go upstairs alone if her life depended on it. I thought it was an adventure!
One time we went to the neighbors. They had moved away. My mother said we should go out to check on the house. It was a beautiful sunny day. Mom said, I must check around and see that there are no leaks or anything. So we went upstairs. My sister and my mother wee in checking a room and I was in the hallway. There wa a huge box of Christmas decorations left ehind and I took out one of those paper bells that you open up and put together. I don't know if you remember them, made almost of tissue paper. It almost felt as if someone took it from me but I wasn't scared because I couldn't see anybody. The bell started to tumble down the hall just like a tumbleweed. All of a sudden the canvas on the floor started to lift and flop around and everything started to come out of this box, rolling up and down the hall. Well, my sister and mother came out of the room and grabbed me on either side. I don't know how I still got arms because they went down the hall and down the stairs so fast. I was saying, I want to go back, I want to go back. It's so fun! Everything was moving around and they couldn't wait to get outside. We we got outside, it was still a beautiful sunny day, absolutely no wind, water like a mirror. The minister was walking by and he stopped and he said, What's wrong with you all?
The people that owned the house, we said to them, We don't know if we want to check your house anymore because everytime we go out there, strange stuff happens. The lady said, Yeah, it was like that all the time we lived there. So their house was worse than ours, but both houses were built on mounds so I think it was some sort of burial ground. It was very strange.

Celie Randell Parsons - Little Harbour Deep


The haunted house
Little Harbour Deep


Celie Randell Parsons standing with her parents in front of the infamous haunted house in Little Harbour Deep.


Celie and Shirley with their dolls.
Little Harbour Deep


Celie Randell, on the right,, and her friend Shirley with their dolls at Little Harbour Deep.