Huskilson, William St. Clair. 415th Swordfish Squadron. RCAF. 1923 to1944.



A tribute to my brother
Wilfred E. Huskilson

November/44 is the time...Dusseldorf is the place...and his last mission prior to furlough is the occasion...signifying his absence.

He did not return!

How woefully ironic but not necessarily unique since, I suspect, it happened to many more.

Yet the older I get the more indelible that date becomes for he and I were exceedingly close. His absence across the years, has drawn us even closer.

I visited his grave in '63 while in Rhineburg and read there this inscription on his marker: "If I can stop one heart from breaking I shall not live in vain".

This is not only prophetic it is also profound.

I love him not for what he accomplished but for who he was and for the impact he has had upon my life.

In youth he enjoined me to his "pick-up" ball team; in my teens he schooled me in the art of pugilism. His example was my impetus to finish high school and then attend university. It was in the shadow of his resolute determination and dedication that he impelled me to succeed in all my endeavours.

He was my model!

I owe him a lot for I learned much from him.

Long before Anka wrote it and Sinatra sang it, it was CLAIR who lived it and "DID IT MY WAY"!!!

I salute his memory.

Today, April 21/03 we celebrate his 80th birthday.