West Point Light
A poem by Audrey MacDonald Jamieson

On the sandy shore of P.E.I.
You'll find the West Point Light
Where it's stood for a hundred years or more,
Flashing in the night,
To warn lonely sailors
Of the dangerous reef,
Always flashing to be sure
No ship would come to grief.

I've heard many stories
of when the light was new.
Shipwrecks and buried treasures
And ghosts, they had a few,
How once a headless seaman
Walked the sands at night,
Searching for a phantom ship,
That never came in sight.

When I was much younger
And couldn't get to sleep,
I'd count the flashes of the light,
Instead of counting sheep.
Now every time that I return
The old light seems to smile,
"Welcome, weary traveller ,
Stop and rest awhile."

Then one day automation
Caught up to the light,
And when the workmen finished
It was a different sight.
The old home and the buildings
Were quickly torn down,
Leaving the light flashing,
Lonely on the ground.

The friendly lighthouse keeper
Quietly moved away,
No more to greet the people
That walked there every day.
Now in my dreams I see him,
With his ghostly lantern bright,
Climbing up the narrow stairs,
Once more to check his light.


West Point shoreline and Lighthouse
West Point, Prince Edward Island


West Point Lighthouse and Barn
West Point, Prince Edward Island


During the 60's and 70's major changes were happening all across P.E.I. , especially in the field of education.

Students in grades one to ten attended the one room Montgomery School at West Point. It had a pot bellied stove in the center, windows along two walls, chalkboards on one wall, and maps on another. Outside was the coal shed and the outhouse. The pump was located near the school. Most Island schools were similar, except some had two rooms.

A number of high schools were created across the Island in the early 60s and a few years later grades seven, eight, and nine were also taken out of the small schools. By 1971 the local children were being bussed to the elementary school in O'Leary (about 25kms.). This meant that for the first time in over a century, no children were attending school in West Point.


West Point Lighthouse stands alone.
West Point, Prince Edward Island


During the 15 year P.E.I. Development Plan, a number of new homes were built and older homes had been improved.

However, by the 1980's, things which had been established in the 60's were badly in need of repair or upgrading.

The older community leaders had retired or passed away and the younger people were busy with careers and young familes.

Our Lighthouse stood alone.....neglected, but never forgotten.


Dumbwaiter removed before '84 opening.
West Point, Prince Edward Island


It was a sad sight to see - our Lighthouse standing alone. But, even though neglect was showing on the interior of the Lighthouse, people still loved to get inside and explore.

One such family was that of Allan and Pat Sharpe of West Point. Pat is a descendant of Lighthouse Willie and was showing the place to some friends. Her two year old son, Johnathon, ran ahead of the others into a closet on the first floor. He fell through the hole remaining when the weight shaft had been removed. His father had to be lowered into the deep cellar and he was able to push the child up through the narrow hole. The real challenge was to get Allan out, because the original opening from the cellar had been sealed up when the dwelling was removed.


Boarded window, pre 1984 opening.
West Point, Prince Edward Island


"We got together with some neighbours to hold a flea market. While we were preparing for it at the old school, we realized the the building really need fixing up.

Merna Boulter had heard about the Canada Community Development Projects (CCDP) and we decided to form the West Point Development Group and apply for the CCDP grant.

The first task of our group was to take stock of who and what we were, and what we wanted for our community.

The CCDP grant of $42,278 was used for renovating and building a 30 x 40 foot addition to the schoolhouse. Apart from furnishing West Point with a community center, it also provided 32 weeks employment for four people.

Throughout that first winter, work was also progressing on the plans to become incorporated as a non-profit corporation so the group could lease the West Point Lighthouse from the Canadian Coast Guard. This was accomplished on March 24, 1983. "
Carol Livingstone

West Point Development Corporation Mandate:
'The purpose of the Corporation shall be to develop and improve conditions in the West Point, Prince County area, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, to develop and improve Tourism, Employment, the Craft Industry, the Lighthouse, the Fire Department., etc.'


1970 West Point Shore. This area is now underwater due to erosion.
West Point, Prince Edward Island


The committment was there. There would be a New Life for Our Old Light.