Crane Valley Presbyterian (United)
Crane Valley, Saskatchewan


Crane Valley Presbyterian (United)

During the period from 1912 to 1926 the area of Marigold, Stayner, and Bliss Lake was served by Presbyterian student ministers. During this time the Board of Home Mission had a program of manse building and assisting with the minister's salary.

In 1927 a manse was built, then sold in 1954 to purchase a house for the purpose. The old Marigold School was purchased for a church building and moved to its present site.

In the period of 1927-1929 the salary was $1,500.00. During the Thirties the salary fell to $1,000.00. By 1944 the field was self supporting.

During the ministry of Mr. Don Bardwell the 4-H Clubs had close association with the church. He instigated the idea of God's Acre, a vegetable garden attended by the church's youth, with half the proceeds going to the church.


Davyroyd Augustine United Early Years
Davyroyd, Saskatchewan


Davyroyd Augustine United Early Years

Augustine Church was the first Protestant Church organized south of Moose Jaw, built in 1910. The average church collection was eighty cents.

Its organization was the work of members of adherents of Anglicans, Presbyterians, Lutherans and Methodists. They worked together to build a truly Community Western Prairie Church.

The church was the only public building in the area at this point. It was used for agricultural lectures and considered as a day school for that year.

In 1915, it is noted in the minutes as a two-point field. Readlyn had services in the morning and evening and Davyroyd had afternoon services.

In 1917 an addition was completed. In 1929, due to a crop failure the congregation was unable to pay the minister. The church closed in 1944 but reopened in 1950. Mission points were Crane Valley and Cardross.


Davyroyd Augustine United Present Day
Davyroyd, Saskatchewan


Davyroyd Augustine United Present Day

In the following years renovations were made. The building was closed on June 28, 1992. The church is now opened only for services on special occasions and the preserving of the building continues today.


Ettington United Church
Ettington, Saskatchewan


Ettington United Church

The Ettington Mission was established in 1914.

Mr. Terry served this mission in 1915, in the newly constructed manse that had the living quarters upstairs and held the services downstairs. From 1916, services were held in Ettingtons's new school.

In 1929 a church was built under the direction of Lars Tollefson.

In 1955, after serious deliberations, the church was closed.

The Ettington Church was sold to the Associated Gospel congregation and moved to Mossbank in 1960.


Expanse St. James Presbyterian Church
Expanse, Saskatchewan


Expanse St. James Presbyterian Church

Church services in Expanse were first held in the school by student ministers, one was the teacher, Mr. Gale.

St. James was built in 1912 with Rev. Blue as minister. In 1916 the manse was built and the church completed.

At the time of Rev. Mossip's service, he had the ability to direct boys through his proficiency at and love of sports. He offered a good leather-bound bible to any youngster who would read it from cover to cover.

After 1923 this church was known as St. James United Church.

The building was moved to Mitchelton in 1958 and served as the United Church for the congregation there until 1986.


Fife Lake United Church
Fife Lake, Saskatchewan


Fife Lake United Church

In 1928 under the direction of Walter Bennett (the same Bennett who engineered the building of the Olympic Theatre and the Franklin Hotel in Assiniboia), the Fife lake United Church became a reality. The sum of $1,000.00 dollars was borrowed from the Home Mission Board.

The first United Church charge was formed by the Fife Lake, Little Woody, and Lacordaire Churches. After Constance built their church Fife Lake was placed in the Coronach charge. The first minister was Rev. Jas Watts.

Fife Lake closed its doors in 1969 but was re-opened in 1979 with Rev. R. MacKenzie, the minister of Rockglen and Coronach. Presently, services still continue with Coronach's resident pastor as part of the Coronach and Rockglen pastoral charge.


Glentworth United Church
Glentworth, Saskatchewan


Glentworth United Church

The first minister was Mr. Bartell who traveled around holding services in the school houses.

Ladies Aid bought the piano from New Hope. On July 9th, 1930 they also bought a house and the lot. The final payment was made to the CPR in the amount of $83.50.

In 1938 or 1939 the Credit Union building was purchased as a church.

The present church was erected in 1961 with Rev. Bayliss as minister.

Services are now held every second week alternating with other churches in the pastoral charge with the Resident Pastor that lives at McCord.