Charles Macnamara captured a humorous moment between his sister Marian and friends Jim Cranston and Musie Lett. Many similar images are contained in four albums of black and white, sepia toned and cyanotype prints which cover the period from 1894 - 1896. They are preserved with the rest of Macnamara's collection at the Arnprior & District Archives.


Dodie Cranston
14 August 1894
Marshalls Bay, Ontario, Canada


Dodie Cranston scandalized her family by diving deep into the water of Marshall's Bay.


Marshall's Bay Band
Marshalls Bay, Ontario, Canada


"The Marshall's Bay Band of the Gay Nineties" consisted of Charles Macnamara, Harry Walker, Duncan Macnamara and Leslie Finnie.


Charlie Macnamara
May, 1896
Marshalls Bay, Ontario, Canada


Charles Macnamara signed this print "Charlie Macnamara, May 1896".


Group on porch of Macnamara camp
August, 1896
Marshalls Bay, Ontario, Canada


Musie Lett, Mrs. Richard Macnamara, Della Cranston and Duncan Macnamara relax on Macnamara's new front porch.


Ladies at Marshall's Bay
4 August 1899
Marshalls Bay, Ontario, Canada


Alison Stein (Charles Macnamara's great-niece) recalls stories of Marshall's Bay being something like a woman's colony in the summer months, as the men would be away all day at work. At first they travelled back and forth in boats but eventually roads were built into the Bay. The women in this photograph were from prominent Arnprior families and other Marshall's Bay residents.

Back Row from left to right: Ida Burwash, Mrs. J. H. Burwash, Mrs. Richard Macnamara, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Armon Burwash, Mrs. J. E. Cranston, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Cole
Front Row from left to right: Mrs. D. M. Finnie, Mrs. Arthur Burwash, Lonie Thompson, Miss Mackie, Mrs. Pattee.


The Burwash Boy's Camp
Marshalls Bay, Ontario, Canada


This cyanotype print is a fragile record of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) camp located in the "Lower Bay. According to older residents of Marshall's Bay, there was once a dining room and a cook kitchen there. The camp occupied land sold by Thomas Elliott to the Ottawa YMCA in 1897. The land was purchased by Leslie Finnie and Charles Macnamara in 1910. They later sold it to D. Parmalee.


Dulcibella Cranston
August, 1911
Arnprior, Ontario, Canada